So free choice for this month over at Scrap That was so hard to pick a song when there are so many great ones out there.
I eventually went back a few (maybe more) years back to my teenage years and picked the song "Movin on up" by MPeople
I used a pic of my DD with her teacher in Grade 2 - she didnt want to leave and goto Grade 3 cause she loved her teacher so much and I remember saying to her 'Honey we all had to leave and move up to the next grade, I am sure you will get another nice teacher' - cute isnt it?
Here is my LO:-
And some closies of all the goodies and my journalling -
Hope you are all having a great August (and not as hectic as me) - I am feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment with everything that is going on, I wish life would just stop for a week or so so that I can catch up on everything, before we know it christmas will be here * Insert evil laugh*
Don't forget to leave me some lovin (I need it)