Sunday, December 29, 2013


Happy HOT SCORCHING Sunday Everyone,

Hope you all had a very merry christmas and will bring in the new year with love, happiness and a positive outlook. I have a share for you all today, I have had this PP sitting around for ages waiting to get the time to do this LO ( I think it has taken me about 4 years ) - oh well better late than never hey??

I went to the P!NK Funhouse concert back in 2009 - gosh if you all know me well you would know how much I love P!NK and everything that her and her music stands for. Here is my LO:

Double LO - don't ask me what PP I used cause it is too long ago to remember :)

LHS of the LO

RHS of the LO

I was really happy with it when I finished and it bought back great memories of the show - thanks to everyone who shared it with me

If you visit leave me some LOVE ( I need it )

Happy 2014

1 comment:

Leanne said...

Oh wow! what a fabulous concert to go to and you look like you have some amazing photos from the event!!! Gorgeous double LO BB!

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