Saturday, September 11, 2010

Motivation....Where are you?

I don't know what's wrong with me - I lack motivation - I don't even want to get out of my pyjamas - I'm tired - and my children are exhausting.

I don't know what to do to pull it all together - if it wasn't for my husband and my friends I would have dug my hole and laid in it already.

Why is it that when you have everything you want you just want to escape from it all?

I got asked last weekend at soccer who punched me in the eye? I wish I had a good story to tell but unfortunately now my looks are being taken away from me as well :(

I know there are many people out there who are in a worse situation than me but I hate feeling this way - I want my zest for life back


Jess Mackenzie said...

Oh Belinda....My heart goes out to you! I have been there and it sucks! If ya wanna ever have a chat about it my e-mail is
Don't worry girl...the light at the end of the tunnell is awesomly bright! Love and Peace to you : )

clikchic said...

Oh Hugs Belinda, I can so totally and completely relate. I really don't know how you do it, you are a super mum! You have 4 kids, cut hair, play soccer and study nursing. I have no idea how you do it all!

I know I am not a big talker but I am a good listener if you need an ear.


bappleicious said...

Thanks for the love girls - I think i was just having a bad day - as we do - I needed to talk to someone and when there was no one here the blog was the next best thing to get it all out thanks for caring

Leanne J said...

oh B... hope you okay.. love you... and i'm with robyn i dont know how you do it.. but please keep going.. i love you and so do many many are an inspiration....

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