Monday, April 4, 2011

Fluro, I love F#@*ing Fluro

APOLOGIES for the title of my post.......

For our local group challenge Cathy set a challenge that well was a challenge........

Use 1 piece of cardstock, one piece of PP, you can add embellishments but not ones made of other PP or cardstock, Cut Square 1x 16.5cm, 1x 10cm, 1x 8cm and 4x 3.5cm and use colours to match fabric { Fluro Netting}

This is what I came up with:-

Now Leanne was a witness to my "OMG I hate squares" and "OMG fluro, why fluro, why are we being punished" { Hence the title of the post} in saying that I think I pulled through OK - he he



Leanne J said...

i most certainly WAS there and heard your it looks awesome.. told you that..and LOVE the black paint that finishes it off perfectly...woot woot.

Noels said...

awesome B

Anne P said...

Love the colours in this Belinda. So bright and fun. Pictures goes so well with the challenge.

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